
Canberra Ice Dragons Dragon Boat Club

Ready to join?

When is training?
See the Training page for details of where, when and how.

How do I order an Ice Dragons uniform?
The Ice Dragons uniform can be ordered from the Ice Dragons Shop.  You can try some sample shirts or ask someone of similar build, then you’ll find the size for you. Contact: uniforms@icedragons.com.au 

DBACT supplies basic paddles for free. If you would like to buy your own paddle, there are various types of paddles and a number of suppliers in addition to our sponsor Typhoon 8. It’s best to try a few grips and be measured for a paddle before you purchase.

Personal Flotation Devices
Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) must be worn at night between the advertised time of sunset and sunrise. In addition, because Lake Burley Griffin gets very cold, paddlers must wear them at all times throughout winter and parts of autumn and spring. DBACT determine this period from 1 May to 1 September.

You must also wear a PFD if the sweep on the boat determines, for crew safety reasons, all on board must wear a PFD. The sweep can instruct you to wear a PFD if you are injured, unable to swim, or cannot swim 50 metres unaided.

There are DBACT PFDs available, however, for a more comfortable, personalised fit, you can purchase your own from sports retailers.

Paddle clothing, gloves and seat mats
The Ice Dragons are provided with a 10% loyalty discount by one of our generous sponsors Typhoon 8. Fred and Amy will sort you out for your paddles and paddling gear, you can find them online at www.typhoon8.com.au.

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